Saturday, February 23, 2008

Timeless Treasures Closes it's NYC Store!

Timeless Treasures, formally known as Christian Publications, in NYC is closing down its NYC store. This is pretty upsetting, this store has served the Christian community for so long, the thought of not having them around is like losing an old friend. I've gotten to know many of the folks there in the store and have grown to consider them friends. They've been a strong supporter of local Christian organizations such as Toon Troop, it's a real loss to our community when businesses such as this are no longer around. Saints, we really need to support our Christian businesses, they contribute to spread the work and the Word of Jesus. Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, if our outlets, our voices are no longer there, where would the hearing be? How would they hear to establish faith? Let's remember to support our businesses, our ministers, our missionaries, our teachers, we need them, their all voices by which the Word is sent. Thankfully Timeless Treasures has another location in Brooklyn, NY. Saints lets support and keep our businesses afloat. And to Timeless Treasures personally, Toon Troop supports you.

God Bless,

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